my weekend went so well...we spent our weekend with shopping & shopping...as we know, the carnival mega sale is on now...arggh gler best!!!!! hehehe...
on saturday, we went to sunway pyramid...arrived there, we had lunch @ oldtown....miss their nasi lemak....then, we headed straight to guess.....guess ada sale from 4th to 6th July...and end up i bought 2 pairs of shoes that i really want before...i got 40% less for that shoes babe.....gler bargain kan....luckily, i x beli kasut tue last month....hehehe...just wonder, if guess having sale every month...mahunya gler aku.....hehehe....apapun, kasut2 itu sgt2 shomel & i'll upload the pic later...hubby didn't buy anything...but he got his weezer's red album only @ RM33.90..very cheap for the international's cd rite??? and that's enough to made he smile for a whole day...he really so into weezer....:)

my shoes....:)
yesterday, we have appointment to meet angah & family @ alamanda...sambil shopping & makan2 (celebrate her belated birthday)....before that, hubby had a haircut @ along's saloon, presint 9....along is my old fren...anyway, he's the best hairstylish that i ever had....and paling best, hubby also like his job....he looked so cute with his new hairstyle...and fyi, i'll cut my hair this wednesday...i got very serious hairfall problem...hubby pun selalu bising kutip my hair kat umah...my hair is everywhere ok...so, i think my hair really need a cut...:(

then, we went to alamanda....can't wait to see my mushroom...already miss her :)....nampak jer my mushroom, i terus cium & gomol2 dia....she's not feeling well & she got a cold....pity her
:(...angah bought many bajus for her...semuanya sgt2 shomel...if i rajin, i'll upload the pic ok...then, we go to kfc for makan since adam (angah's first son) sibuk nak makan kfc...after that, angah decide to balik...already 7 pm on that time...then, we singgah @ guess...continue with our shopping session....hehehe...but this time, hubby yg shopping...he bought 2 pairs of bajus....and before balik, i sempat grab 2 pairs of bajus from Esprit...dua2 bermotifkan polka dots...i do love polka dots nowadays...:)

with our hunny bunny maira aka our mushroom :)....
received call from hubby just now...i miss him...even i see him everyday...but when we're apart (during working hours), i still miss him :)....lately, we always have a fight...maybe i talk too much...and i like to answer to him...arghh, i just don't know why but i feel so bad...sayang, if u read this...i just want you to know this....i'm so sorry for everything that i've done...i'm just too degil & nakal....but i love you so much....muahsss :)
and today...nothing much to do...my boss having a meeting for a whole day...so, i just surf internet and blogging...bestnya hidup kan...:))
kalau sayang org..jgn degil & nakal ok my chubby...mmmuuuaaahhhss
ok...i'll try dear...luv ya...muahssss...
dear.....chomelllsss sangat and very the cheaper aaaaa....harus beliiiiiii....wakakak but this weekend i already have a plan...:(
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