Tuesday, July 22, 2008


yesterday i went for teh tarik with kelip & cuya....
sgt best coz dpt lepak sama2 :)
and now...i'm already missing them...
hubby call just now and told that his goodfren, Zul @ Melaka MC for 4 months...
which is means he's critical...pity him...
actually, we already knew that he involved in accident last March...
seriously i'm not happy coz hubby so worry bout his fren now...
and maybe we'll go to malacca petang nie....
p/s : can't wait to see Ika (Zul's wifey)...hope, she's doing fine & be strong...:(


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

kesian zul kan sayang..maybe we going to melaka on 2nd of august to visit him..very pity..hope he'll be just fine.

MamaIcha said...

yes, just pray for his healthiness...get well soon bro!!!


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