Thursday, October 15, 2009


...just having another checkup & scanning this morning...

...and glad to annouce that...

...we'll having a baby girl...



susudalambotol said...

alhamdulillah, semoga dipermudahkan semua :)

Mimy Hamid said...

baby girl best..baju cantik2..leh paki dress hair band..plg best dh besar jd kawan..

MamaIcha said...

hidd - amin :)

mimy - tu la tu :D

goblogbyfarah said...

wahhhh best best!!!!
mesti comel mcm mama diaa..

MamaIcha said...

take care dear :)

Shinnaz Ahmad Rasid said...

wahhhhh..congrats kak jue..comel la baby tu nanti..

MamaIcha said...

thanks dear :)

♥mama gojes♥ said...

nti leh kawankan ngan auni syuhada yer kak jue..

Anonymous said...

tahniah tahniah!

Mrs Zamzuri said...

am soo happy for u! mesti u ajar dia melaram nnt. pastu u pon jadik hot momma!

akiss. said...

ho yeah ho yeah, bleh bagi nama Suri. haha, cis buat mcm anak sindiri plak.

suka suka suka !.

Effa MG said...

Congrat....Bestnya bakal dpt baby girl...

MamaIcha said...

mama auni - of course dear :)

YobSumO - thanks ya :)

mrszamzuri - hot mama & baby...ok x?

akiss - :p

effa - and u bakal dpt baby boy :)

aluyyah said...

baby gurl best,..

dia nyer baju chumel chumel..

bila time offer nauzubillah.. buleh pensan bershopping..

by the way take care dear!!

MamaIcha said...

thanks dear :)

p/s : think pink

Momma Qiestina said...


finally geng powerpuff girl Qies :)

congrats jueee..
siap sediala obses karer pink pasni.

MamaIcha said...

thanks yat..ada geng la Qies kan :)

Ann said...

Alhamdulillah, same2 lah kita pi borong gown yg cute and cantik2 yek. hehe.

fauzuskamaruddin said...

wahhhhhhh girrlllllllll.....take care eh

MamaIcha said...

mommy wannabe - baju baby girl nie mmg cute2 kan...geram jer :D

fauzus - thanks dear :)

Aida Narina said...

weeeee, congrats mummy-to-be!! take good care of urself. :)

MamaIcha said...

thanks dear ;)


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